You’re only a few steps away from entering the Corporate Reporting Awards 2023.

1. Get started by selecting the category that best describes your entry below. Note: If you think your entry could be relevant to more than one category, just select one at this stage and you will have the opportunity to add another within the entry form.
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4. Complete the entry form with all the information relevant about your project. The data is automatically saved, if you do not have all the information required you can return at any point to complete your submission. Go to the Your Account tab in the menu, login and complete the information.
5. Don’t forget to click the ‘Complete’ button to confirm your submission.

Categories 2023 

We are looking for a report that clearly articulates a FTSE 100 company's strategy and/or investment case in an engaging and inventive way. You can use four bullet points that illustrate the criteria, if required.

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We are looking for a report that clearly articulates a FTSE 250 company's strategy and/or investment case in an engaging and inventive way. You can use four bullet points that illustrate the criteria, if required.

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We are looking for a report that clearly articulates a small cap or AIM company's strategy and/or investment case in an engaging and inventive way. You can use four bullet points that illustrate the criteria, if required.

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We are looking for a report that clearly articulates an organisation's strategy and/or investment case in an engaging and inventive way. You can use four bullet points that illustrate the criteria, if required.

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A Diversity and Inclusion Report should help an organisation, and its stakeholders, understand its blind spots and, consequently, the actions necessary to address these. We are looking for reports that differentiate between Diversity, which considers the workforce in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education and national origin, and Inclusion, which reflects the organisation’s approach to creating an environment in which employees from all backgrounds feel welcome, valued, and respected.

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An ESG report is much broader than a sustainability report, covering both the social and governance aspects of the acronym. It should raise stakeholder awareness of the relevant issues facing the organisation, and provide information and data to help them make informed decisions.

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It is widely accepted that ESG-focused organisations tend to have a higher value than their competitors. The World Economic Forum has produced a series of ‘stakeholder capitalism metrics’ to help companies report non-financial disclosures. Designed to make benchmarking sustainable business performance easier, the metrics centre around four pillars: people, planet, prosperity and principles of governance. Other global organisations have made similar recommendations. While recognising that there is, as yet, no consistent approach, we are looking for reports that effectively integrate ESG metrics and themes into their narrative and highlight progress in each pillar.

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We are looking for a report that is aligned to an organisation's sustainability and business strategy. It should identify and discuss the long-term ambitions, while setting short-term targets for priority areas. Key performance indicators and metrics should demonstrate progress against these goals. We are looking for reports that have direction, relevance and purpose.

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We are looking for a report that is aligned to an organisation’s sustainability and business strategy. It should identify and discuss the long-term ambitions while setting short-term targets for priority areas. Key performance indicators and metrics should demonstrate progress against these goals. We are looking for reports that have direction, relevance and purpose.

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Too often, annual reports and corporate websites are text-heavy and weighed down by incomprehensible buzzwords and acronyms. We are looking for a distinct tone of voice that imbues the organisation with character, that educates the reader without being patronising and relates the key messages clearly and with passion.

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We are looking for a video, animation or even a TikTok that effectively tells the corporate story or a specific aspect of the strategy. It can be a chief executive presenting annual results or a user-generated film from a warehouse, for example, but we are looking for creativity, compelling imagery and an engaging narrative.

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Why are you in business? The corporate response to the global pandemic has provided evidence that many organisations now recognise that they have a role in society that extends beyond simply generating profits. The 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code reflected the change in attitudes by asking companies to articulate their purpose, and then to demonstrate how this has been used to shape value, strategy and culture. We are looking for reports that illustrate how purpose has shaped decision making. Extra marks will be given to those reports that measure progress against corporate purpose.

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As its name implies, we are looking for an individual who understands best practice in corporate reporting, is up-to-date on all regulatory issues and has a keen sense of narrative. This entry should include an image of nominated individual and a short, supporting testimonial from a line manager or senior executive.

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As its name implies, we are looking for an individual who understands best practice in corporate reporting, is up-to-date on all regulatory issues and has a keen sense of narrative. This entry should include an image of nominated individual and a short, supporting testimonial from a line manager or senior executive.

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The Task Force's recommendations address four interlinked areas: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. We are looking at how the information, both qualitative and quantitative, is disclosed, and whether these are consistent and complementary. We will also consider progress on scenario analysis and consider how effectively this informs stakeholders on the resilience of the organisation in light these risks and opportunities. We understand that these are early days for TCFD and will take this into account in deliberations. Progress will be recognised.

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The reporting world is moving fast. Regulations are constantly changing. Audiences are increasingly varied, with myriad interests, particularly around the ESG agenda. New channels are coming onstream. Yet so many companies follow the approach they have taken for years, on the basis that 'If it ain't broke, why fix it?' Others simply mimic competitors in their sector. We are looking for those annual reports that stand out from the crowd –that break with traditions and push new boundaries to champion a new approach.

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Too often, materiality is used as a tick box function, to comply with various reporting frameworks and standards. But it provides a real opportunity for organisations to demonstrate that they understand the sustainability issues that have most relevance to their operations, and which resonate with stakeholders. We are looking for reports that go beyond simply reporting on which issues are material and why, and instead link them to strategy and key performance indicators and, where relevant, aligning these issues to the Sustainable Development Goals.

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals are commonly misconstrued as a reporting framework rather than a strategic tool. But an organisation's SDG activity should be based on a thorough assessment of the associated business risks and opportunities that this generates and give investors and other stakeholders confidence that this is well-planned, relevant and aligned with business strategy. We are looking for reports that demonstrate an organisation understands the role of SDGs and go beyond a box-ticking exercise.

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